Would like Evelynn tips and one-trick links.

I don't think you will find many Eve one tricks out there because she's so mechanically simple. It does become boring to play and watch if you spam her every game. I would look on op.gg's champion ranking or lolskill.

Runic Echos is the way to go. Right now Runic Echos is really strong. The passive does more damage than Runeglaive at early levels, and the 10% bonus movement speed is just op. It allows you to move around the map and make plays even with subpar map awareness.

I've played with a lot of people from all elos recently and I'd only cheese if you're mid gold or below or if you're 100% sure about the enemy jungle routes. At higher elo people will use buff as baits to kill the invader. champion.gg shows that Eve with ignite and smite has higher win rates, but in reality I have not seen a single Eve player in diamond running ignite and smite, for a good reason. People in higher elos are smart, they only pick fights that they can win. If they see you running ignite or exhaust, they will play around it and not letting you have the chance to kill them, making your summoner spell useless. In my opinion flash is the way to go, it's just way more versatile. Plus if you do get the jump on the other jungler, flash will allow you to follow up and do more damage.

For jungle upgrade I like chilling because it makes early ganks a lot easier. Again, challenging smite might be better at low elo where people will fight you to death, but at higher elo the slow makes all the difference.

For items I usually get Rylai's and then tank. Rylai's gives you HP, but you will want some resistance to go with it. I get defensive items even if I'm fed. You don't really need anymore than Rylai's to kill people because of the perma slow. Being tanky allows you to make some mistakes in team fights and it's easier for your team to play around. Against a balanced team comp I usually get frozen heart and banshee's.

Deadman's plate: I get this with frozen heart if enemy team is AD heavy or I'd replace frozen heart with this as the only armor item if enemy is AP heavy

Abyssal: Your team and enemy are both AP heavy and you're fed

Liandry: 6th item if you're fed and enemy has HP tanks

Deathcap: 6th item if you're fed and enemy team is squishy

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