[WP] - An alien race has colonised earth, their intentions unknown. Rather than kill the humans, they altered our genetic code to make us less warlike and more collaborative. Now, fifty years after they arrived, they are suddenly gone. What was their true purpose?

"So, Koranak, can you please tell us why your friends left without you?". I leaned over the table keeping eye contact with the creature. If you could really call it eye contact. Koranak sat in his chair yet still rose a few feet above me. The most apt description I could give him is to imagine if an Ant and a Beetle had a child, and than take that child and make him a nightmare. That's what Koranak was.

"Purpose : Completed." He replied in a their races standard high pitched and erratic speech. The Tornians, as they told us to call them, never really got the concept of speech deliverance down right.

"And what was that purpose, Koranak?" I inquired.

"Forced evolution. Terminate dominate anger genes. Create Utopia. Utopia established. Tornians needed elsewhere." Koranak never once looked away from me, focusing intently on the discussion.

"Where else are you needed?"

"Everywhere. Anywhere. Must fix Universe. Create Utopia." He startled to fumble around with his hands nervously.

"You alright Koranak? You seem... disturbed". I slouched back into my chair trying to show him its fine to relax.

"Feel uneasy. With you. As if you don't believe Koranak."

"Well simply, I don't." I stated.

"Trust. Trust needed." he stated back.

"What I see is a race of Insects. You're incredibly strong Koranak. Oh, you're fast too. We've never met any other Aliens, which you're well aware. I wonder if there's a reason for that."

Koranak began to shift in his seat, his eyes darting around the room.

"What are you hiding up there in that big, black and blue void known as space buddy?" I placed both my hands down on the table and slowly stood up to meet face to face with him. "Because I think, you wanted to make sure we'd never want to leave Earth. Because you're hiding something important"

Almost instantly, Koranak erupted from his seat, flinging it backwards into the wall. His back slipped open as two humongous insectoid wings bloomed out.

"Keep safe. Keep universe safe from you. Keep every other race safe. Humans designated to violent. To volatile. To risky to meet others. Other races."

I clipped my pistol from its holster and swiftly shot out one of his knees before he could react. As he descended to the ground his maw opened and he let out a stomach churning roar. Again, without hesitation, I took out his other knee. Koranak knelt down in front of me outside of his arms reach and looked up at me.

"Proved my point." He dully said to me almost instantly changing speech patterns.

"You all did a terrible job, with your plan that is. We were never going to start a war with other races, we were to busy fighting with ourselves. So instead what you did was remove our inward anger and made us want to help each other. You united the Human Race! No human would have ever been able to do that. Unfortunately for the Universe, or so you say, we're very much on each others sides. That was your critical mistake." I raised my pistol to meet his skull. Koranak stared through me.

"You imply war with Universe. We took that anger out of you. You can't feel that." He boldly claimed.

"War? I never once said we were going to war." I took a few steps forward and pushed the gun against his skull.

"War implies you all stood a chance".

I pulled the trigger.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread