What little things make you feel like you're really good at the game?

That, and to me it becomes less about the game and more about the numbers.

I despise, absolutely despise DPS meters but I'm not going to kid myself; it would be nice to see how I do and there is an element of pride in knowing that least putting in effort to build optimally and not mash 1 (read: actually trying to figure out all my skills and how they work and actually using them instead of...whatever people do otherwise).

I mean, I get being lazy and autoattacking sometimes (almost never) but playing a damn MMO and not even getting psyched enough to do more than autoattack. In a world boss. Or a champion fight. Or just...why?

Why play? If I can't muster up the attention/energy to do more than hit one, I go do something else more productive. Is this just me? I might just autoattack a weak mook since they die so easily anyways but on veterans and elites I'll be blowing my damaging weapon abilities and if they're going to live longer than 25 seconds I might end up using everything else.

Are people just "saving" their abilities because they're afraid to get caught of cooldown? I mean I know when I first played video games I was afraid of any type of cooldowns because "what if I need it THEN instead of now?"

But this is Guild Wars, where the abilities refresh so quickly that it's gotten to the point that most veteran/semi knowledgeable players know that none of the abilities are being tactically used. It's rotations, blast off CD, and rotate some more and fire anything not on CD and try and chain optimal cooldowns. It's not hard. You can get away with blowing things off cooldown and you'll be topping DPS charts in open, why aren't people doing thiiiiis?

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