[WP] You are a superhero and chosen to be the last hope against the cities villain. However, you two have a history together and you are still in love with him/her.

Fuck. Even in all this ruin, even through all the blood, she still looked so fucking beautiful.

I don't remember the first day I saw her. I feel like I'm supposed to. Aren't you supposed to remember those first moments? They are supposed to stay with you forever. But no I don't remember. I met her in class. It was English I think. Freshman year of high school and God was she beautiful. I didn't know it yet tho. It would take me until sophomore year to see that. She was beautiful in every sense of the word. The kind of beautiful guys ran away from and talked about in their circle of friends. The kind of beautiful that made you wonder how God could create such a being. The kind of beautiful that hurt the soul for you knew she was not yours....but I had to try. So Junior year I asked her out and she said yes. I couldn't believe it. I remember a weird feeling the moment she said it. It was like watching myself from above. I felt unnaturally happy. (I will later find out that that is the same feeling one gets while smoking weed). This girl literally got me high. It was unbelievable.

As I stared at her now across the ruins of the street, I fell in love with her all over again. Her raven black hair was livid in the wind and her dark brown eyes were focused on mine. She smiled that gorgeous smile of hers when she spotted me and her tall legs began their calculated steps towards me. The tight leather suit she wore hugged her body like a second skin and left little to the imagination. She was a goddess, and like the celestial being she was, everything fell before her. The very ground crumbled and split. Buildings fell. People imploded.

We dated until the summer after senior year. We were going off to opposite sides of the continent. I was going off to study in New York and she was staying in California. It wouldn't have made sense to stay together but oh how I wish it had. I saw her on and off during breaks but never like before. The last time I saw her was spring break of our senior year in college. I had gone back home to visit before heading off to Mexico with my friends. That's when she told me she had gotten a job in NY and would be there in the fall. I couldn't believe fate had brought us together again. It was too good to be true...and so it was.

"Hello Michael"

"Hello Lucy"

She still smelled like the hair wash she used when we were together. I fucking love that smell.

"You know I can't let you go on right?"

She smiled. "You know you can't stop me right?"

She was right. I could see her aura slowly growing to envelop mine. +

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