Take Your Manhood Back- Men's Rights Social Movements

The men's rights movement is a complicated beast, but at least it is honest with itself, and doesn't infest the mind of culture with its primacy, instead it sits in rearguard action, holding the fort at the (b)attle of Gender relations.

There is little doubt in my mind that the world is, what it is in terms of inequitable in understand gender roles, responsibilites, cultural and economic modalities, etc..... My argument is that certain structures, institutions, ideologies, narratives, discourses, myths, stories, and facts, often get misrepresented, but are held to be legitimate. Don't be swayed by the political correctness, or the odd looks, speak your mind.

Ironically, there is so much more I could say on, in, this topic, but if I did I am sure to get you all confused. So I am going to present what I see as the issues that need to be identified as a movement. And, then I am going to address the moral and ethical domain for which some form of Gender convergence needs to be addressed- or I may not do that.

The very first issue to understand is that men need to realize on the most personal and interior level themselves. Know thyself is an excellent ancient adage to take.

Do not, however, think that everything is your responsibility, let go of the control, respect the differences that exist in the gendered social constructions. Respect, even when it may not resonate with you, the differences of others. Understand weaknesses as leveraged strength.

What I am trying to say is be real as a movement you must sound authentic, understand the higher purposes that you fight for.

Be humble and genuine. If you fight the good fight, you win. Try to be conservatively liberal in your approach,and radical in your love

/r/MensRights Thread