You say you're battling algae in your pond? How cute. We've got swimming rats!

I'm like that too about the house mice. I live out in the middle of nowhere with 8 cats and a dog, so I rarely see a live mouse in the house. That being said, whenever I am able to, I rescue the outside mice and/or moles my cats catch cos I feel like the little guys aren't hurting anything outside. My cats don't bother with birds-too much work as my cats are all seniors (save 1 who is 3) and prefer to just lay around on the grass or on one of the porches until a critter is unfortunate enough to cross their corpulent paths. LOL.
Although, last fall I left my backdoor open with the screen door locked, of course, and woke up the next morning to a large, dead rabbit on my kitchen floor. All the cats taking turns munching on it. The jerks had busted the bottom screen on the door to bring this thing inside to dine. smdh. It was so gross. Needless to say I don't leave my damn backdoor open all night anymore, and the damn cats are INSIDE.

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