You've got one year until you move out of your parents' house. You have no adult skills. What are the most important things to learn?

I really think your parents are doing you a disservice. The very strict controlling family thing might work well in other countries, but in the United States there is a very deep well of skills you need to acquire to be a functioning adult, and not having experience being an independent person is going to put you at a very big disadvantage.

We have a similar phenomenon with very religious children. Kids that went to a parochial school and never had permission to do much of anything. They didn't get to socialize with normal kids, didn't get to stay out late, didn't get to watch the same shows or see the same movies, have any true responsibilities, etc.

It's a very common story to hear of those children being unable to 'make it' on their own once they're old enough, because they have no life experiences to guide them. All my peers were in that situation, and one they were out on their own, most of them self-destructed and wound up back home, living with their parents once more because they couldn't handle life, never having had to deal with it themselves.

I was one of those kids, but I took charge of my life in high school, and it worked out for the best, and I managed to stay on good terms with my parents.

Ask yourself; what are they going to do if you just do what you want? Will they throw you out of the house if you don't speak to them disrespectfully? Will they take away your inheritance? The answer to these questions is probably 'no'.

I'm sure they'll be very angry at first, maybe even shout at you. Don't shout back - don't even discuss the matter with them. Don't explain why you're making your own decisions - just make them.

When they realize their impotence all the conflict will be over. The only power they have over you is what you're allowing them to keep.

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