Zed/Lux mid laner seeking advice.

For Zed, laning should usually be fairly safe for you. It's hard to miss cs since you run on energy and can use Q and E to farm. Getting pushed under tower isn't too big a problem, since your passive make it easy to last hit. If you ever want to farm safely from range or feel you're overextending, you can use Q to last hit a few minions while waiting for the wave to push closer to you, or W/E/Q to push in the wave, then back off.

Not to mention Zed has a lot of laning pressure. You can constantly poke down the enemy with Q, and W-E-Q should take out a good chunk of their health. If you constantly keep your laning opponent low, you can zone them off the wave and deny cs, or if they don't back off, you can just kill them.

As for surviving ganks, if you use your W for trading, play safe and farm with Q until it comes back off cooldown. I like to ward the other side's jungle entrances along the river, the two entrances nearest mid. I find that warding the mid lane bushes doesn't give enough time to react. Placing wards here also allows you to track the enemy jungler's movements. Also, buy a pink, and put it in the bush by the entrance along the river right behind your blue buff. That way it's well protected and not easily detected, and if you place it at the edge of the brush, it gives you vision of about 1/4 to 1/3 of the river.

/r/summonerschool Thread