AITA for telling my friend that her being ugly was not my problem.

YTA! Heavily YTA. I am so triggered! Idk why everyone is saying NTA. OPs friend sounds so sweet and protective and caring. It is clear that she is insecure and OP just made it worse. Seems like OP cannot function without being the damsel in distress and is in constant need of attention.

She did not need to call her friend ugly or fat!! I know exactly the kind of girl Op is, she is hot and knows she hot and thinks that because of this, everything has to revolve around her. She will realise this is not the case soon enough and she managed to push away someone who was one of the only people around her that wasn’t smitten and a yes man. Yes, OP you can only offer your face and body because you clearly don’t have a heart from the sounds of it.

Why couldn’t you set your friend up with some of these males that flocked to you, or called her beautiful or be HER wingman for once. She sounds more beautiful than you.

It’s not too bad because in time OPs friend will find a man who loves her, her brain and honesty whilst Op with only find men who want her for her face and body. Good luck OP, I’m glad your friend stepped away, her life will be better without you.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent