AITA for calling my partner an abuser & threatening to make a complaint to the police?

ESH— she’s wrong to call an ear piercing “mutilation” or child abuse…but come on, how is everyone glazing over the fact that the husband threatened to go behind her back? Fathers have a right to make decisions TOO, not unilaterally go through with a decision that has yet to be resolved or agreed upon.

He threatened to take the baby to do something painful, potentially prone to infection, and told OP “there’s nothing you can do about it”— and no one wants to say anything about that?

Just because piercings are legal, does not mean it’s good for very young children to get their ears pierced. For babies or very young kids, their immune systems are still developing. There’s a reason why many piercers would refuse to do piercings for kids who are too young.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread