AITA for kicking my friend's dog out of my apartment?

You give your spare house keys to 'unknown, stranger' neighbour???? So naive aren't you or so trusting.

Don't we all grow up listening to adult say 'stranger dangerous, caution'?don't take candy from the stranger?

She not even your friend, she's just a neighbour in your new place. She said' I want to drop food at your place so give me your key? ' and you just give?

How about this ,instead you paying her vet how about you ask her all the damage her dog done toward your rent house? did your house owner know what happened??did you take all evidence? Didn't you make any report for damage? Did you get your keys back?


Because you leave the dog outside in the cold And Sarah crappy attitude. So the human in this aita is the A###### except the poor dog.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread