AITA for not letting my friend bring his service dog over

I just took a DNA test, turns out you're one hundred percent the asshole.

Oh and for the bot: YTA

Your kids might encounter poop and pee in the yard? Guess what - they already do! You think the squirrels, mice, rats, and bugs aren't pooping all over your yard? At least if your friend's service dog poops in the yard it's his responsibility to pick it up. Who's responsible for wiping up all the cricket shit in your lawn?

Also, is the idea of your kids encountering a little pee worse than your friend having diabetic complications?

Get over yourself and be a friend to this guy if you're actually his friend. If you don't want his service dog in your house, don't invite him - but you're a massive AH for it.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread