196 words AITA for telling my boyfriend his kid is not my problem? 178 words AITAH for putting a tracker on my daughter baby carrier 157 words AITA for lying to my wife as a joke about what AWD means 139 words AITA for parking in a pregnant person/ veteran spot 315 words AITA for refusing to apologize after I made a mistake? 220 words AITA for keeping my brothers life insurance 179 words AITA for demanding an apology from my wife? 209 words WIBTA if I told the bride that my aunt is wearing a long white dress before her wedding? 144 words AITA for falsely accusing a veteran of stolen valor, when she couldn't give any details about her service? 176 words AITA for telling my boyfriend that the ‘hilarious’ videos he sends me are fake? 148 words AITA for calling out my dad's friend for sexualizing my daughter? 133 words AITA - Coparenting Birthdays 138 words AITA for telling my roommate that I don’t give a fuck about her boyfriends allergies? 560 words AITA for telling my wife she was being childish and unreasonable for trying to make me choose between her or my mother? 190 words AITA for not allowing my son to go to his school dance? 116 words AITA for not allowing my son to go to his school dance? 134 words AITA for not wanting to invite my aunt to my wife’s graduation party? 321 words AITA for yelling at my wife? 163 words AITA for blowing up at my husband for sharing pics of our daughter's birthday celebration, resulting in my family finding out about it? 177 words AITA for telling my husband his constant farting and hacking makes me less attracted to him?