158 words AITA for not watching kids at a cookout and leaving them unsupervised 595 words AITA for not wanting my mother to move in with us? 274 words AITA for keeping my relationship a secret before announcing my engagement? 160 words AITA for calling out my mom on social media for abandoning me on my birthday 153 words AITA for not wanting to give my sister back her child after taking full custody for 5 years? 137 words AITA for always getting a separate bill at a restaurant? 228 words AITA for pulling my daughter out private school to put her in public school. 227 words AITA for telling my brother he's wrong to hold a grudge over our parents kicking him out eight years ago? 142 words AITA for getting a cat? 147 words AITA for telling my sister that she's uneducated and can't keep using her anxiety as an excuse? 244 words AITA for using an Asian accent to show my roommate how to cook rice? 159 words AITA for telling a customer they should have paid closer attention to the menu if they have dietary restrictions? 181 words AITA for "embarrassing" my friend? 136 words AITA for saying I would have to save "tens of children" over my girlfriend? 128 words AITA for yelling at my brother, who has cancer? 130 words AITA for not wanting to help pay for my child's University fees? 159 words AITA for kicking my son out of the house after he disrespected my girlfriend? 165 words AITA for “ruining” my bf’s 21st bday? 211 words AITA for taking the vegetables of my kid's burgers? 159 words AITA for telling my(28) fiancée(29) that I could not rely on her in a life or death situation