AITA for lying to my wife as a joke about what AWD means

Ok everyone in this thread is actually crazy. First off. The joke was hilarious

BUT BUT BUT. That is NOT why everyone here is calling YTA.

We are all saying YTA bc your posts, after reading between the sexist lines, clearly shows how you view women and more importantly how you view your wife. It seems as though you genuinely cannot fathom a woman doing anything “serious”.

You had a problem with her lady mechanic. You had a problem with how she picked out her car. And you have a problem with being intentionally obtuse when it comes to these flaws, bc I find it very hard to believe you wrote out this post and somehow missed all of this.

If thats the case, then im sorry man. But please help yourself and change your minsdet.

So no. NTA for lying to your wife as a joke about AWD. BUT YTA for how clearly sexist you are

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread