220 words How would you want your patient to disclose previous trauma that wouldn't make you think they were crazy? 136 words Rabies anxiety after a drooling cat rubbed up on me, pins and needles on leg where it happened 112 words [26M] chronically ill for the past 8 or so months. I know reddit isn't the best place for this but I badly need answers. My doctor's can't give me a definitive answer. 265 words Voices in my head 203 words Baby with unknown skin problem 139 words Is a 3 day fast each week safe? 261 words Any plastic surgeon? Please I need help!! I’m a 26 year old female 249 words i eat at least 3k kcals/day but cannot gain any weight and my weight has dropped to a worrisome level [23F] 123 words Weekly Discussion/General Questions Thread - June 15, 2020 139 words 17yo Fatigued all the time - High Red Blood Cell count, doctor not worried 119 words Chiropractor or internist? Huge posture issues 161 words Memory loss, hazy vision, extreme fatigue, loss of body sensation, no emotions, hair loss 301 words Suicide Attempt by Escitalopram and NSAIDs? 212 words I can't take deep breaths. It's been like this since Wednesday evening. 143 words One ear totally clogged after shower 324 words How much damage will 2 packs of cigarettes IN TOTAL do to me? 308 words Worried about the effects over-masturbation might have on my development 156 words PR3-ANCA/atypical pANCA titer? 178 words 23M Eyes are blurry and tired all the time 130 words How worried should I be about my sinusitis?(10 weeks)