125 words How can I create a vent space for dudes? 142 words Isn't the term "mansplaining" sexist? 124 words Are men really welcome in the movement? 217 words What are some major issues faced by middle class, cis, white, straight women in the west? 155 words Should women get “reasonable accommodation” in the work place and schools for their periods? If so, what should that be? 159 words what was the first gender-based injustice or inequity you noticed and actively considered as a kid? and/or did you have a more general epiphany? 297 words Why would anybody but a woman be a feminist? 280 words Do you think that gender neutral laws should exist? 110 words If drunk people can't consent, can a drunk person rape a sober person? 258 words Does telling a Male Rape Victim that "why didn't he fought back?" Considered as Victim Blaming? 361 words When having conversations about sexual assault and harassment, sharing my own experiences make people uncomfortable. I respect this, because my own trauma can make me feel a similar way, but I also feel my experience invalidated to a limited extent (context included in post). Any advice? 120 words If you don't identify as a feminist for valid reasons but still believe in general equality, does that make you antifeminist? 358 words As a feminist, do you believe that more steps be taken to change areas where men are less successful than women? 165 words How do I explain to people that "men are disproportionately affected in certain ways" is not a counterpoint to feminism? 301 words Statements excluding trans men? 521 words Should feminists go out of their way to address Men's issues? 163 words How can someone know what a "feminist perspective" is? 141 words How can someone know what a "feminist perspective" is? 175 words Why are mothers more likely to receive custody? 131 words Do you think there are more differences among genders or between them?