Would any feminists here accept the hypothesis that pervasive "man shaming" and "man baiting" (IE, "men are fair game for hate speech but can't retaliate because privilege, hahaha") is fuelling the alt-right? (Loooong analysis here, but interested in responses)

(Warning: little self reflecting truth-bombs, depressing self-loath)

I am not even interested in any manliness, so I am pretty much a sensitive and emotional person. Or you could say, that I am in the wrong body, my soul does not fit to what is expected and how it is treated.

I share much more what people call friendly. I also don't like to look like a male, tho I pretty much hate to be a biological male. Yes I hate it.

I hate my sex, I am honest. And I like to be honest. I am addicted to honesty. In my eyes? My bio sex? It's nothing worth, the true true truth! It's that little truth, that nobody wants to hear. We don't deserve the same emotional worth in comparison that trans*woman get. Or just anyone not having an male body. I don't identify myself as a male on a metaphysical level. But I have the body of such a pig. In this physical reality.

Tho, within a male body, if you're actually not into the systems' offering inhumane privileges and it's anticipated gender-roles, and additional, if you are emotional, caring, empathetic then you will have no value nor use. You're freak then. At best. Something to laugh at. Something to shit on. Something to mock on.

So I just demonstrated that our male biological factors has indeed a key factor on how in general this bunch of optically easily identifiable class is treated. It's the same vibe that Muslims must experience in a western islamophobe society. Being told just a piece of shit, a male pig, a pervert, or just a ticking terrorist, or a ticking rapist. A be-penised one. Bare Trash.

Never forget, society, as a mass, is programmed. And most people aren't able to change their views for various reasons. It's stiff. I has a large inertia. It keeps going in the direction it's going.

So as a technically full human being, I will never have someone friendly, non-masculine, that take me in their arms when I feel depressed. People will come up with their standard hate and reduce game on the sole base of bio-sex. Any discussion will end in comparisons. Sexism against woman has become more aware, but against bio-sex men? Being treated like shit is now called "equality". Yes, you're right, it's now the big time of assholes being together equal with much power. Big game. End time. Yes even then if I've never done any inhumane thing, remember societies' dark side and it's extreme inertia. We have no value. End of a long short story. I like the "#killallmen" thing, I fits the value of that worthless bio-sex.

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