Is it Ok to Punch a Nazi?

Also, bonus trash about feminism:

Some links link to tumblr, which... meh.

And this lovely one ~

"Looking at the case of Madeleine Martin, the 39-year-old RE teacher and mother of two, jailed for 32 months and placed on the sex offenders' register for sleeping with a 15-year-old male pupil, do we seriously think that a female teacher sleeping with a male pupil is on a par with a male teacher sleeping with a girl pupil? I don't. And neither, I'd wager, would most 15-year-old boys."

"From here, it is not too much of a leap to surmise that sexual contact with a teacher would have entirely different effects on the teenage sexes. For most boys, it would be the score of all scores, for girls, the ultimate exploitation of their genetic vulnerability."

But #notallfeminists.

Got you covered there.

  • "However, how are we supposed to know which ones are and which ones aren’t? Better to err on the side of caution, no? How are we supposed to know who is for true equality, or who actually wants men and women to be equal, as opposed to just wanting to harm men while advocating for women?"

  • Yes, poor little old you. There we were, discussing those feminists that defend and oppose rape, violence against men being ignored, biased courts and other manifestations of feminism, and you had to jump in to remind us that “not all feminists” do these things. Why don’t you really say what you want to say? "I HAVE NEVER OPPOSED RAPE LAWS/IGNORED ABUSE/ADVOCATED AGAINST MEN!" Right? Isn’t this what you really want to say?

It's so easy. The issue, though, aren't feminists - but feminism itself.

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