What’s a double standard you agree with?

Do you really have time in many RL emergencies to be prioritizing help based upon gender, such as during 9/11, esp to people who may not need it and you don’t have the time to scout out other survivors far away? In situations that req brawn, you’re still gonna need to likely strategize what’s the best use of your strength/safest way out. Like if you’re out hiking, and big branch falls on a wife’s leg, the hubby may be able to lift it. But he still needs to use his intelligence to decide if lifting will cause more damage or to get help. Does he have a map if his cell reception is out of range? Treading water… you’re still gonna need intelligence to find the best way to conserve energy and find ways to stay warm.

Taking the brunt. Potentially a woman/kid would need more care, as they’re suppose to be more vulnerable. But if a man is so strong and good at protecting them, why would they need so much care? For example, in the case of Jack and Rose from the movie Titanic, since he stayed in the water and let her have the raft, would he not need more care from being in the cold? This is theorizing that Jack didn’t die due to hypothermia. Rose obviously was traumatized and severely cold, but not as severe as Jack’s physical condition.

And just bc someone can endure more pain doesn’t mean they should have forced to withstand it. That’s fucked-up. Nah, help should be available to anyone. And beyond younger kids, no one should be prioritized over another on a grand scale. Different on a personal level, as many people will prioritize their loved ones/themselves. I would, too.

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