What’s the meanest thing a woman has ever said to you?

Preface this by saying that I grew up in poverty, had a child out of wedlock, fought for and got custody of my son, have a career and have managed to pay off 2 cars and buy a house all on a single education salary.

Met this woman, she worked in healthcare, and makes approximately 4-5 times what I do. She came from a somewhat well off family. We spark off right at the start. 3 years later we're making plans on moving in together. We've had the marriage convos and she's said when I propose she'll say yes. I buy a ring, the future looks amazingly bright.

Covid hits, and one late early December night she calls and tells me she's done with this relationship. "You have got to want more, and do better." She broke my heart with those words, she broke my son's heart, he cried for weeks. She ends up ghosting me completely.

So I guess that's the meanest thing a woman has ever said to me.. it still hurts me even a few years later. I guess my doing better wasn't enough better for her.

/r/AskMen Thread