358 words I (19F) need a little insight on what I should do in this situation I’m having with my (20M) partner. 367 words Is he cheating on me? 162 words Is 7 years too long to wait for a proposal? why or why not? 159 words Why can't men take a hint, or no for an answer? 185 words Should man have a say on abortion? 858 words Why do men ask women to their house for a 2nd date instead of going somewhere public? 129 words What Makes A Man? 303 words How are my chances? 251 words Men of Reddit, what kind of approach can women take through Social Media to spark genuine interest? 129 words Need a male perspective. He has left me dumbfounded. 177 words Would you ghost women because your insecure? 130 words How do I avoid shallow women? How do I attract genuine ones? 292 words I don't know what to do with my future, I'm looking for guidance from older men 262 words Is it true that many men in Muslim countries have sex with other men due to gender segregation and sexual repression? But that Muslim women do not have sex with other women anywhere near as much? 131 words I (22) male have been in a relationship with my gf(23), but recently I’ve developed a crush for a girl at work and it’s mutual. I do not want to cheat on her. I’m stuck at a crossroads. Any advice on what I should do? Would be appreciated 180 words How does one talk to a girl 312 words Can anyone share their experience after their break up? 169 words Is he just not into me? 194 words Dating someone inexperienced? 240 words Bf not interested in sex with me