Why can't men take a hint, or no for an answer?

When it’s a casual situation , and the woman is just minding her own business ( walking into a coffee shop, going about their day) and is clearly deflecting unwanted attention- we need people to man up and see that hitting on someone relentlessly is not sexy.

Humans are able to take all kinds of social cues, we are grown ups. Don’t tell me a man doesn’t know that a woman isn’t interested after constantly brushing off his umpteenth offer to hang out. They know.

So why does the work fall into the woman’s lap to take the man aside like it’s kindergarten and mouth the word “no” with a picture book to emphasize what the word no means?

I call bs. Take your hints if you are over the age of 18. Asking someone out and getting not a yes, is a no. Advancing homo sapient, cmon, I believe you can figure this stuff out.

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