129 words Wife practices true praxis 135 words this sub is eventually going to go private so if we can't figure out how to extract the subscriber list and put it into the approved submitter list... 195 words You love to see it 118 words How do my fellow comrades feel about leftypol ? 192 words is it possible at all to pull a friend out of the alt right pipeline or is my buddy just fucked 127 words White minority in America 114 words #NeverBernie 150 words Funny because Joss couldn't learn to not sexually harass women 150 words has anyone here gone from cripplingly shy and nervous to Leninly calm and confident? 152 words TIL that Hannibal Buress is a shitty landlord who forced poor people to move out of a building he bought. Which other celebrities are surprise chuds? 1,265 words malcolm x was a fucking hero. rest in power. 168 words malcolm x was a fucking hero. rest in power. 157 words Peterson during the debate 152 words Hon hon hon hon. Has anyone seen moi cigarette? Je left ze cigrette on moi way to ze racism factory. hon hon hon 208 words The Hosts of Chapo Traphouse Have Become Your Class Enemies [a marxist view] 149 words It's a Fact 157 words Rick Reilly go on Chapo. 133 words you literally can’t make this stuff up 250 words Can someone explain to me the cognitive dissonance in this sub. Most of you will cry transphobia at the drop of a hat, but are perfectly happy to praise Fidel Castro, a notorious homophobe? 136 words How many anarchists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?