142 words lol 170 words Big Story. FBI accidentally leaks documents proving satanic rituals inside McMartin Pre-School. Truly horrifying. 164 words There’s a video posted on reddit a while ago about this guy attacking 2 service industry workers for stopping him from DUI. All info in the picture’s link. 125 words Alexandra Macesanu, who disappeared west of the capital, Bucharest, called police three times during her kidnapping. By the time a search was launched, 19 hours later, she was presumed dead. 150 words Has this been talked about? This megathread has a ton of accusations against well known YouTuber Boogie2988. 126 words Trump Says SNL Sketches Are “Real Scandal” That “Should Be Tested in Courts” - Republicans and Democrats should be terrified of a president saying this 137 words Bart Responds to Rape Story 67 words Stormy Daniels Says Donald Trump Has "A Dick Like The Mushroom Character From Mario Kart". I'll never look at Toad the same way again. 110 words Oklahoma School Shuts Down for 2 Days After Parents Threaten Transgender 7th Grader on Facebook 365 words Today in, “Is it racist?” People talk about a white girl wearing a Chinese dress to prom. 248 words Tennessee pastor apologizes for 'sexual incident' with teen 228 words Trump bans CDC from using the words, "fetus" "science-based" and "diversity" among others. 320 words Will ISP filtering affect sites HOSTED in the USA but viewed from other countries 268 words Hit list exposes Russian hacking beyond US elections 479 words Marriott refuses to evacuate guests from their Caribbean hotel despite No food, water and another hurricane coming shortly 223 words [Thu] WHO IS LYING?! Controversial Accusations & Outrage After New Michael Bennett Arrest Video Released 1,002 words [PDS] WOW! Idiot Youtuber Philip DeFranco Takes Your Qs Live... 230 words FAKE NEWS?! CNN Exposed In Controversial Secret Video and Anita Sarkeesian's "Punishment"... 259 words Boogie's story of his interaction with Anita Sarkeesian at VidCon 187 words Boogie's story of his interaction with Anita Sarkeesian at VidCon