Big Story. FBI accidentally leaks documents proving satanic rituals inside McMartin Pre-School. Truly horrifying.

The entire Satanic Panic thing, was merely a cover-up for revelations of legitimate Satanism, Satanic Ritual Abuse, and even organized child sex-trafficking on a massive scale, involving people in positions of authority ranging from doctors, teachers, police, state and local government, and all the way up to the federal level. There was never a baseless hysteria. That is the spin they used to convince people that there was no reason to be concerned with Satanist cults, because it’s just a bunch of religious nutters on a witch-hunt. See how that works? They made movies about it, with big names, like James Woods. If people see something immortalized in a movie, well then, it must be true! They still make reference to it today. You’ll see true crime videos of various murders involving occult motives referencing the Satanic Panic, and explaining away murders committed by ordinary citizens practicing Satanism, as being motivated by something else entirely. People should be panicking. The world is run by Luciferians. Get the net!

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