142 words DeMoN Banned from the DPC for previous misconduct. 159 words Behavior system idea/suggestion. 140 words Od has a 19 percent winrate in divine 206 words Can the 100 Points be Diretide event stuff ONLY? 346 words 30% of 6k immortals are with lvl 40-50 accounts, either smurfs or bought accounts 226 words i got permenent banned wtf 240 words Disappointed with the current state of the game, looking for opinions so please answer a few questions. Also share my thoughts on current game. 366 words Posting a better drawn mkb everyday until it gets nerfed [DAY 1] 235 words Why You Hate: Techies. A video to spam to your techies playing friends who are bad 137 words The smurfing problem has really gotten out of hand 194 words Valve support give 50 levels 410 words I don’t feel sick because Valve hasn’t released content worth 120 million. I feel sick because 229 words A reminder to *not harass* the few devs that commit their time to dota 2 despite Valve's alleged lack of resources poured and managed towards the game. 301 words After 4k hours in Dota it is time to say goodbye... and give away my Arcanas. 225 words Trying to raise funds to get a decent pc for a friend who is not very well off financially but loves dota 169 words "Tobi pinned me down in a hotel room. I almost didn't escape." 237 words "Power Abuse in NADotA - Bulba" by RyuuDota 152 words Universe - Bullying and Women 125 words Kyle Freedman - Flirting for Morons 129 words Sexual harassment at TI7 after party from a known caster