After 4k hours in Dota it is time to say goodbye... and give away my Arcanas.

Let's see if i can remember some stuff that will make you smile a bit. I started playing dota back in 2007 on lan cafes and we would always 5v5, it was probably the best time of my life. So let me talk about some of the friends i made then and some funny moments i had. The first that comes to mind is Gilson, only mentioning his name because it became a verb. He would always, ALWAYS try to kill steal. This guy would save anything he had to secure it, no matter what, so we started calling KS a gilson kill, every time we see someone KS we say stop gilsing dude, stuff like that ( i still have his cynical laugh engraved in my mind when he managed to gilson kill). Alright next one, this guy played troll and spirit breaker only and he only used his thumb on the keyboard. He would charge with sb and if you were low he would run to ur computer and watch you die on your screen while trashtalking haha, he also couldnt spell troll correctly and always called him "toll". Next one, liked faceless void so much he would suck his dick no homo and always claimed basilius to be the best item in the game. A friend of mine missed an arrow on a stunned hero in the river, instead of hitting the hero his arrow hit the wall and said, i thought this was the pangolier arrow, why isnt it bouncing off the wall? I miss these guys, nowadays its just me and 1 friend, i miss when we would party queue and trashtalk all game to make the enemies try their heart out and tilt when they paused and shit talk when they won haha. Gl in your future endeavors!

/r/DotA2 Thread