Is anyone else completely bored with Peterson

Thanks! Could you by any chance summarize some of his broader ideas? My opinion of him up to this point was that he is anti-capitalist, and I have always been skeptical of those vouching for alternatives to (democratic, not crony) capitalism simply because I haven’t seen many good arguments on their practicality in relation to what we know of our evolutionary history and psychology. At the moment I buy into the notion that democratic capitalism is the best system we have (best but no where even close to perfect since we our selves aren’t perfect beings) until technology (and perhaps our humanity) changes society to the point that a different system is more practical, or even necessary. For example although I’m a capitalist I can see a future were we could need a basic income of sorts to support large populations once the most successful capitalists no longer need almost any workers for the means of production. It could also end up being a non issue if these capitalists are anything like bill gates or other people that don’t have an excessive desire to only help themselves. Then again the naturalist in me says let the weak and dispossessed die off if they are no longer required for the advancement of our species...I think Peterson was correct when he said on a psychological level people don’t feel nearly as much compassion as they might think they do for those with a more abstract relationship (levels of distance both physical and emotional) to themselves.

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