119 words VICE Tries, Peterson Doesn't Play 610 words Stop Worshiping Jordan Peterson! 145 words Jordan Peterson Is Canada's Most Infamous Intellectual (HBO) - VICE [Working Link] 178 words The biggest youtuber (PewDiePie) talking about Peterson's book. 173 words This hit piece on Dr. Peterson is filled with so much resentment and hatred it's crazy 193 words This hit piece on Dr. Peterson is filled with so much resentment and hatred it's crazy 121 words Clean your room meme 564 words The good guy/bad guy myth leads to concentration camps 339 words Is this what a postmodern psychology class looks like? 331 words Phenomenal Lecture Series on Nietzsche 124 words The Empress Has No Clothes: The Dark Underbelly of Women Who Code and Google Women Techmakers 233 words Jordan Peterson, what do you think of this? 158 words I have some demons, and they won today. Could use a good book/teaching. "spiritual" stuff I guess. 214 words What did he mean by this? 226 words Why is Jordan Peterson the "patron saint" of /r/badphilosophy? 172 words Good left wing thinkers? 274 words You know something is wrong in the world when you feel ashamed to tell people you are a Christian and that you can’t wait to get married one day and respect men ! 184 words JP might be losing base with tweets like this: "Why you shouldn't have kids: because you are short-sighted, selfish, and unwilling to allow anyone to be more important than yourself." 177 words British School Bans Skirts "to have gender neutral uniforms for the sake of transgender kids" Even Though Girls Already Have the Option to Wear Trousers 536 words I've begun to confront my shadow and I'm terrified