176 words Gun facts. Sources at bottom 128 words Michael Moore's accidental endorsement of association liberties 173 words Correct word usage 169 words Sen. Rand Paul on the new senate spending bill: "If you were against President Obama's deficits, and now you're for the Republican deficits, isn't that the very definition of hypocrisy?" 145 words Sen. Rand Paul on the new senate spending bill: "If you were against President Obama's deficits, and now you're for the Republican deficits, isn't that the very definition of hypocrisy?" 173 words Hi r/Libertarian, YUGE Trump guy here (part-time Libertarian as well). I wonder, how do you feel things are going? 117 words Libertarians and Basic Income 125 words Jeff Sessions is helping the police to take your stuff away. The Trump administration has decided to support the deeply unpopular policy of civil forfeiture. 126 words Pre-existing Conditions 170 words I don’t expect much political education from r/blackpeopletwitter but since we were called out: 138 words Rand Paul: Shutting the government down costs more than keeping it open 129 words Costco exposes new soda tax in Seattle. Costco put in big black numbers how much the new tax is costing their customers. Not only that, they're putting signs next to the price display that tells shoppers where they can get their fizz fix outside the city! 369 words Either way, government grows 344 words Hate to address the elephant in the room, but do you think your ideology can really work in the real world? 140 words Is tax theft? 134 words Supreme Court Today Mulls Whether Bakers Can Be Forced to Make Gay Wedding Cakes 150 words Repealing Net Neutrality Isn't the Problem 248 words Health care in the US 263 words Philosophy Professor Tells Bisexual Student Who Criticized Islam 'We're Not Going to Let You Damage the Program' 178 words Why libertarians should be against open borders