Repealing Net Neutrality Isn't the Problem

talking about “regulation” in the abstract is too general. There are pros and cons to “regulation” in each circumstance. Sometimes you resort to it or else you don’t really have a country, but you just try to keep it minimal.

In the NN case, as with many things, it’s not even about “regulation”. The same people who subsidized the ISPs to help achieve their monopolies now want to be in charge of “regulating” them? It’s a scam. The obvious solution is to find a sensible way to break up the monopolies (you could call this “regulation”), but from the looks of it they’re all buddies so that’s not happening.

Consider the regulatory body and the ISPs to be one and the same. They want to feed us issues of “regulation” and “net neutrality” to argue about, but really it’s about prolonging the status quo.

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