409 words Kinks born of abuse 322 words Separating out past-based patterns from present-day realities in current relationship – help? 436 words "There is nothing more heartbreaking than finding out your ugliest layer of self is too ugly for someone you love to handle." 369 words I don't feel guilty for being happy and calm anymore. Being raised by a narcissist mother and hated by my nfamily isn't controlling my life. 744 words what were the milestones of realizing you were mistreated? 341 words Doing life? Motivation, drive, self-discipline….I feel stuck. Very stuck. 947 words Can you share with me? Your experiences in therapy [support?] 746 words Now what? 909 words Difference between genuine versus manipulative feelings/emotions expressed by others - your experiences, thoughts etc? 600 words Difference between genuine versus manipulative feelings/emotions expressed by others - your experiences, thoughts etc? 488 words Difference between genuine versus manipulative feelings/emotions expressed by others - your experiences, thoughts etc? 399 words Questions about understanding from others and emotional states 1,585 words Does this feeling ever go away? If it does, please share... 345 words After being a doormat my whole life I am learning healthy boundaries. Can you all share your experiences and advice? 326 words Deciding to go NC -- what to expect after? (first post) 354 words "Wow, that kid never goes home. She's here year-round." 299 words I know I want to go to college, but I'm becoming less sure for what... 401 words Do any of you find yourself attracting narcissistic people? How do you stop the cycle? 543 words Second therapy appointment: I surprise the therapist. 694 words Can I ever get over my Nmom being a trigger?