248 words Get it! 154 words This is amazing 137 words It has pockets! 129 words Shaq being a legend 128 words Dude gives struggling chinese food joint a huge tip 122 words This is true commitment. 262 words Tenants at an apartment decided to help out a loyal cleaning woman who was hit hard during the pandemic. They were able to pay for her lease for 2 years. 254 words I have never been fond of my looks but I’m trying my hardest to get over it. Trying new things like posting photos of myself. 159 words Like son like dad 587 words I'm having a very hard time lately. Most recently, I've found myself unable to afford my anti depressants, which just absolutely sucks. I was chatting with my best friend, and she sent me this text. I smiled so hard, and felt like things will be ok for the first time in a while. 142 words Found on askreddit 165 words Wholesome Reunion 225 words Suffragette white. A truly historic moment for women in America 142 words Everyone deserves a cute bakery girlfriend 239 words After smoking a pack a day for years...I haven’t had a single cigarette in a month. Saving tons of money and I can breathe better already. A goal I never thought I would accomplish. 198 words The way her mom supports her 224 words My daughter Ava who has Congenital Myotonic Dystrophy. We were told she wouldn’t live past her 1st birthday. She is now seven. We were told a couple years later she would never walk. This is her in the front yard a few days ago!!! 301 words Be kind. Be compassionate. Be human. 136 words How to find your happiness 146 words Our cat Larry was adopted 3 months ago and sometimes has a hard time fitting in with his new brothers. He was never allowed to explore his backyard in the past so his “hunting” skills are a bit new. Yesterday he brought the family his first “catch” it was a leaf and we are all very proud!