180 words I dont understand 301 words To those who will come across this post (message will be down below): 612 words I made this comment on YouTube in October 2019. I complete forgot about it until someone commented back yesterday and said “you nailed it!” 188 words Can we turn r/psychic into a place where empaths could talk to one another by offering advice and guidance... 142 words A psychic told me that I was gonna spend the next ten years of my life alone. 177 words 5 practice readings for feedback 143 words I believe I'm the 7th seal, and I broke. Hearing my experience may just let you believe this. 198 words What do you think of "mental illnesses" taken in a metaphysical sense? 180 words Alright, friends. I’m back to do readings. ♥️ 142 words SUNDAY FREE READINGS FOR PEOPLE WHOSE QUESTION I AM DRAWN TO 367 words Dream About Morphogenic Beings Pretending To Be People- Has Anybody Had Anything Similar? Dreams, Astral Ect... 317 words when the universe teaches. 167 words Hey all, I didn’t really know where I should post this. I keep seeing the numbers 33 or 333 everywhere (not just on clocks) for example: I’m in the hospital right now and just woke up to my IV pole saying this, the actual first thing I saw when I woke up. 297 words Let's say reincarnation exists: Why do we remember some memories, but forget others? 201 words What do you do when you genuinely, with ever fiber of your being HATE being alive? I think this world is a horror show and i can't wait to be gone 151 words A little info on spirits. Written by me. 149 words Doing witchcraft. 231 words When one door closes, another will open. 182 words Beware of u/Tarotbunny! 222 words Opposite of Evil Eye?