138 words Men saying ‘if you didn’t want me at my worst, do you don’t deserve me at my best’ have a valid argument. 235 words For a legit HVM, what does he get out of dating an FDS woman? What's in it for him? 380 words Describe a 5/10 man and a 5/10 woman 211 words [Q4A] Do you think if a man doesn't put a ring on it after the 4-5 year mark, that he never will? 144 words Why are most men never taught how to attract women? 213 words Has anyone considered that women are just more physically attractive than men objectively, and that’s why there appears to be an imbalance in how many can get dates? 143 words Do you think BDSM pretty much universllay being "woman focused" says something about sexuality? 261 words Men and women's lives are too incomparable for us to find common ground on dating 162 words Where do your views on female sex drive and attraction come from? 150 words Incel, Feminism and FDS megathread 129 words [CMV] Is being settled for really that bad? So what if she wouldn't have dates you in her 20s? She's wants to date you now. 199 words Are Uninteresting/Boring "Betas" Options' Limited to Single Mothers and Troubled-Past Women? 163 words The attractiveness gap is a myth. Men are not less appealing than women because they take less care of themselves, women are just hypergamous. 213 words Weekly Community Chat Megathread (13 December 2020) 145 words When you and a man start going on dates, what makes you decide you want to sleep with him? 114 words Many men here overestimate the importance of attractiveness over personality because they are undersocialized 120 words The reason why most men struggle with dating is because OLD doesn’t work and cold approaching doesn’t work 269 words Women are not 'complicated' - they almost always make it very obvious if they like a man 385 words Not everything has to be sexy 134 words How do women treat below average looking guys in social settings?