310 words AskTRP's advice for someone whose girlfriend was recently raped is TRP-tastic 308 words "Make rape legal" event planned in 43 countries by Roosh. 1,223 words Thoughts please 301 words Asian/Indian men are more oppressed than women... part 3521 872 words An attempted rebuttal of some common TRP beliefs. 879 words An attempted rebuttal of some common TRP beliefs. 492 words Not shocking development: the guys who shot at BLM protesters were RedPillers (or just dig their personalized language) 478 words Not shocking development: the guys who shot at BLM protesters were RedPillers (or just dig their personalized language) 441 words Where does the whole Eastern European women thing come from? 312 words You Bluepillers and Your Orwellian Use of Language 319 words *Update* THANKS, PEOPLE! I talked to my Redpill brother and I have good news. 611 words *Update* THANKS, PEOPLE! I talked to my Redpill brother and I have good news. 394 words Why Did Red Pill not get quarantined? 505 words Housewives are entitled lazy bitches 492 words Egregious oversimplification is the True™ secret to insight, film at eleven 548 words Field Report: yeah right! 1,600 words TRPers laugh at a girl who had such a horrible anal sex experience that she cried: "once she meets a guy she wants to make a husband, she'll use this as an excuse never to do anal with him" 328 words A future MGTOW. Of course it is all the women's fault for having standards. 319 words PAIN AND HUNGER IS MY ONLY FRIEND! 405 words Does this subreddit genuinely believe that Red Pill tactics don't work on women? Or does it only believe that RP methods are unethical to use because of xyz reasons?