Why Did Red Pill not get quarantined?

I have the exact same amount of empathy for you and for that situation and all of the things that come with it that I had for this guy.

Also, I have no reason to research your story. I believe it on it's face.

I didn't initially believe this guy's story. I read it. I started researching it. What changed it for me was visiting a place where all of us lived years ago and seeing the ex-wife out with an old friend (I am a medically retired solider and a former Marine) and I said: How are you holding up to her? She shrugged and said she was fine. She messaged me later to make sure I didn't take that as confirmation of it. We eventually had a phone call where she spilled it all and told me her version, which I listened to and had empathy for as well. She made a mistake and a series of choices to correct it that backfired. I don't think the majority of rapes are false. I just happened to see live and in living color the results of this one case. And how the internet effected it. This person lost their job and was very close to losing their child and their ability to get a new job because of two people's mistakes. The ex who filed the report and the girl who questioned it on reddit and basically put him right back through it. I was just pointing out that in the course of a conversation about why TRP didn't get quarantined and I still got attacked so I went ahead and ranted, politely about the whole thing. In no way did I mean for anyone to take away from my "rants" some sort of class manifesto where I was an apologist for anyone.

I just wanted to state why I thought TRP didn't get quarantined and then move forward with my own responses to explain my position. I was even't going Purple Pill on it. I was saying it so that people could get an understanding of how things like TRP come to be so they can be educated in their attack. I'm not even saying don't attack the TRP. I am saying don't attack it in a way that can backfire.

Thanks u/-ArchitectofThought- Nice to see some humanity up in here!

/r/TheBluePill Thread Parent