You Bluepillers and Your Orwellian Use of Language

Creating language to trick beta males into shying away brings me to my next point: the slow and calculated removal of the term "Dread Game" from modern parlance. Somehow, Bluepillers have successfully replaced the perfectly innocuous phrase, "Dread Game" with the more loaded and ugly terms, "emotional manipulation" and "emotional abuse." This is preposterous on its face. Dread Game has been around for centuries and is an indispensable item in the relationship toolkit. In fact, Dread Game is the only way your female can be taught to understand that there are other females in the world and that you possibly could or might actually be having sex with them. Feeling that you could leave her at any moment - and reminding her of it in subtle, insidious ways - is the way that females want to feel when they're in a relationship. It makes them feel good that other females could sleep with their Alpha because it shows her that she is the currently the most worthy female for him to sleep with... although that could change tomorrow, according to Dread Game.

I'm not a BPer, but I think that basing an entire relationship on attempting to make a woman feel insecure is fucking ridiculous.

I'm talking, of course, about the concept of "being young and enjoying yourself," a perverse re-framing of the ancient expression, "riding the Cock Carousel."

I've already exploded the simplistic over-generalisation of the CC here:

The world is an amoral place where things like Dread Game, overcoming LMR and shaming females for riding the Cock Carousel are time-honored and perfectly-honorable means of conducting oneself.

How can the world be 'amoral', but yet these things are also 'honourable'? How can the concept of honourable behaviour exist in an amoral world?

/r/TheBluePill Thread