Not shocking development: the guys who shot at BLM protesters were RedPillers (or just dig their personalized language)

Redpillers don't say women aren't human from what I can see.

A single upvoted, recent, endorsed example: Single mothers are delinquent subhuman scum who you should avoid at all costs.

It's a weird place full of double think. I still see some glimpses of hope on there sometimes, however. A lot of the time people post something absolutely atrocious on thebluepill, the thread is full of redpillers condemning the original poster.

I refuse to make excuses for them. I'm quite aware that a shit ton of lonely and hurt men on TRP. Grow up. I'm also aware that we have a lot of angry people here.

I should read that too. I can't give you enough internet hugs. I understand that you went through something absolutely life changing. Horrifying. I've been there. It gets better if you decide to make it better (I'm trying to express my belief in you, not so easy in text format).

I can recommend it. It's free on the internet.

Thank you!

Thanks for your support. I'm doing fine, I don't even think of it as horrifying anymore. I learned a lot about myself and how to stand up for myself. I was a door rag in this relationship and always looked for the fault in me, never realizing it has to go both ways. I came out of this a better person. And I wasn't physically mistreated or anything.

I'm happy for you :) I too learned so much about myself. I have also become a better person because of it (at least I hope so). I'm happy you didn't experience physical violence. No one should ever have to go through that.

A lot of people with experiences like mine seem to end up in trp, I'm really glad I'm not one of them. Since then I've had relationships that show me what it could be like and that it wasn't me. And now I'm with someone who's so fulfilling I could cry.

I am grateful that you chose a different path. I'm married to my best friend now! He is extraordinary. I'm so full of joy right now because you have something like that!

I hope you can also deal with your own abuse in a positive way. It doesn't help to blame the person. If you're anything like me, you probably still love them, there's no point in burying that. It's just that love isn't a justification to stay with someone who hurts you. It can be amazing, but it's a bad thing if you turn it into the purpose of your life.

I did. I don't blame anyone anymore. It was a part of my life. I feel nothing for him except fear. But, I have a pack of amazing dogs now. Between them and the firearms I feel pretty solid.

/r/TheBluePill Thread Parent