124 words My boyfriend didn’t plan anything for my birthday today. Help. 197 words The same men who harass me on the street run away shrieking when I walk my dog, and it’s glorious. 153 words Tips/advice for dealing with a potential stalker? (Canada specific advice would be great) 204 words How have you dealt with friendships changing due to kids? 232 words How do you keep clean? 137 words About diversifying your feed.. 733 words How did you leave when you couldn’t “just leave?” 217 words Which legal precautions a recently turned 18 year old girl should take? 144 words How to deal with being talked over? 188 words Boyfriend asks me to shave my pubic hair down there... should I ask him to pay for razors and waxes? 271 words Feeling guilty as an average performing woman in tech... 217 words Girls, beware of your internet safety if you're active on this site 128 words I get extremely insecure when I am around prettier girls 267 words I need advice, stranger waited for me and filmed me as I was getting into my car 129 words Vaginal fluid transplants could cure bacterial vaginosis. Vaginal microbiome transplantation in women with intractable bacterial vaginosis (VMT - BV) [Nature, October 2019] x-post /r/HumanMicrobiome 421 words Travels in Istanbul? 344 words What does “self care” look like for you? How did you get started, what does it mean to you and what would you advocate as most important for someone who is wanting a better or even to start a routine? 192 words Dealing with Jealousy: my younger sister is better than we in every way 161 words Ear piercing advice? 223 words Why am I sad for no reason?