Currently sitting at +1148 on TD. "The NZ attack was bad *wink*, but actually he was completely justified."

He also raises money for kids in need in India, and is very clear about the entire thing just being a playful joke, not actually a culture war -- there are many Indians who are 'on his side' in this goofy Pewdiepie vs. T Series war.

The fact of the matter is, your news sources deliberately stretch and claw to find any indirect way to accuse him of possibly maybe being associated with white supremacy somehow -- the same sources that accused people like Joe Rogan of being alt-right-adjacent by simply drawing up a huge web of interactions between tons of people and showing that he had interacted with people who'd interacted with people who'd interacted with (...) someone who was arguably conservative on some issues.

The media is this case is strictly looking for ways to demonize Pewdiepie because he's so popular and it draws clicks. People like yourself actually believing it despite it being blatantly false is, in their eyes, an acceptable cost.

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