Top 12 year old minds circle jerk on the “fact” that hitler was socialist

"He did run on a socialist platform, that’s how he got elected"

Are you implying that one of the most evil politicians in history was a liar? Perish the thought.

I do not think that FDRs policies were any help at all, rather I think that they made things worse, but neither of us is going to persuade the other on this, so I will just move on.

I will agree to not call Hitler a true Socialist if you agree that he was not a true Nationalist (he was not even a German, and spent a lot of time invading other nations and therefore dooming his own).

Calling Hitler a Socialist because he said he was a Socialist is generally a reaction of Right-leaning folks tired of being told that their views make them aligned with Hitler. And he did enough things that both sides can very easily point to a multitude of things that he did that the other side wants to do. He definitely did some Socialist

Bad things are bad because they are bad, not because Hitler did them.

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