The most popular post on The_Donald regarding the New Zealand terrorist attack is a post about 40 Christians being killed in Nigeria in 15 February 2019. 131 Muslims were killed in Nigeria in 26 February 2019. I got banned for pointing this out.

If a cult said "it would be nice if everyone else died", would you blame the religion? An entire religion CAN be at fault. Nobody is saying the Republican party is at fault here. They are saying 1 individual has attempted to incite violence against others on numerous occasions using great expressions such as:

  • Maybe he should have been roughed up

  • Hit the crap out of him would you?I promise you I'll pay his legal fees

  • etc.

I'm not saying you'd support Hitler once knowing what he'd done. People such as him get OTHERS to do his dirty work (which is what Trump is doing). It takes years for people to realise what had happened

  • Incompetent Hillary, despite the horrible attack in Brussels today, wants borders to be weak and open-and let the Muslims flow in.

Comments like that are designed to incite hatred. TD isn't about the republican party. It's about defending Trump, and defending extremism (as long as you don't say you're going to kill anyone, any comment is ok, no matter what it is).

  • As usual, crickets from US media. Can't tell the truth about shithole countries & the shit pouring into the US from them.

Yes, that's fine /s There's a lot of that. And I've seen far worse claims about how muslims are terrorists, and how they must be stopped, etc.

So, not saying all republican supporters are bad (and they certainly didn't cause the shooting). However, the shooter specifically said Trump was a factor here, and Trump has done very little to denounce extremism against Muslims. He has also on numerous occasions incited hatred towards them with comments. He is part of the problem, and both Reddit SITE Admins and subreddit admins need to start enforcing bans on racism in td, but very little seems to be done.

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