145 words ULPT: Make vague comments such as “scratches on floor,” “cracks/minor holes in wall,” “dents on wall”, “rips in carpet,” etc. when filling out a conditions report upon moving into a new apartment to pre-emptively cover yourself for potential damages. 129 words ULPT: Feeling lonely? Go for the depressed ones. They’re desperate, and as long as you put on a good enough act, they’ll go crazy for you. 1,517 words ULPT: If electricity is included in your rent invest in an electric vehicle 175 words ULPT request: How to yeet my brother's Steam programs 123 words ULPT: do you have a crippling disease that requires tons of surgery but dont have medical insurance and don't want tocripple yourself and family with debt? commit a small crime where you would spend time in prison. theyre forced to do surgery/chemotherapt and is completely free. 224 words ULPT: Most commercial washers and dryers all use the same speed queen key you can buy on amazon or ebay for 3$ if you live in apartments putting the key in activates the menu to change the prices. You can change your price from 1.50 to 25¢ you will be a bro and save money. 308 words ULPT: If you want to call in sick and need a certificate from the doctor, you can often triple the duration of your certificate by telling the doctor that you're working in the food industry. 284 words ULPT: invite your annoying friends when you know they can't go. It's a great excuse when they complain about never getting invited to stuff. 200 words ULPT REQUEST: How to put the absolute maximum pressure on my school to let me off the hook?? 158 words ULPT Request: Which Country to VPN to for book depository cheap books 185 words ULPT: Paper due at 11:59? Nowhere close to being done? Submit a paper you've done for another class and then use the time between then and when your professor emails you saying, "Oops! Looks like you submitted the wrong paper" to work on your actual paper 144 words ULPT: Buy a cast and pretend you sprained your ankle for every time you go to the airport. It'll make your time there so much better. An airport worker will push you around, you'll get through the gate first, and you'll get more legroom on the flight. 237 words ULPT: If you work in retail make a fake e-mail and write an e-mail to your boss/store praising yourself 145 words ULPT: If you are tall and white and dress nice you can only pay for half of your items at the Self Checkout. 187 words ULPT- Learn dollar-bill origami and leave your $1 folds as tips. The waiter/waitress will be too distracted by the origami to care or realize that you only tipped $1. 541 words ULPT: If you plan on committing suicide, just sell one of your kidneys on the black market. You can use the money to try and turn your life around for the last time. 244 words ULPT: When you get a new video game purposely pick a fight with your wife so she forces you to sleep on the couch. You get to play all night uninterrupted. Next morning say it’s all your fault and then have make up sex. Win/win 205 words ULPT: When robbing a store or someone apply temporary tattoos ahead of time. The cops will ask for visual identifiers of the criminal which will mean they will look for someone with the "star tattoo on his right hand". 240 words ULPT: Take total responsibility for little mistakes you make in order to gain people's trust in you. Then, when you make bigger mistakes, deny that it was your fault and people are more likely to believe you. 275 words ULPT: Take total responsibility for little mistakes you make in order to gain people's trust in you. Then, when you make bigger mistakes, deny that it was your fault and people are more likely to believe you.