ULPT- Learn dollar-bill origami and leave your $1 folds as tips. The waiter/waitress will be too distracted by the origami to care or realize that you only tipped $1.

I’ve found it to be a wide array, although younger people tend to expect less and tip the same. So the tides are changing somewhat.

Older people tip the same regardless of the service. I could ask after their great nephew they told me about 3 years ago, give them free dessert, and held doors coming in and out and still. Samesies.

Older white dudes alone seem to tip more on level of service. They expect everyone to fawn over them, laugh at their jokes, let them harass you just a bit. Give them that and ooh buddy. You’re getting 18% this time!

Older white women in groups have the 1/3 rule. You’ll have a good time with some, who tip like bosses. Then the rest, majority, tip like shit and are very much every stereotype.

College kids don’t tip shit. Kids using their parents credit cards don’t tip shit. And expect a lot. .

I could go on, but really. Every thing up above is a generalization. Most people are good. Truly. But when they suck, they tend to suck along the same stereotypically lines.

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