182 words How/ when and why did you get diagnosed 180 words Why is it so easy to feel like absolute trash? 825 words Passing ADHD to kids 206 words You know you have ADHD when you take stimulant meds and drink coffee and are still fatigued and unmotivated 250 words Ya'll, I just became literally homeless. I'll take my car over a shelter. What resources are available for mental crisis situations? I've been begging for help, and I TOLD EVERYONE THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN IF NO ONE HELPED. 123 words What is your profession? And does it work well with your ADHD? 133 words I think I don’t have adhd but rather I want to have adhd 657 words I even put off gaming 178 words Problems verbally communicating my thoughts and feelings. Is this an ADHD thing? 184 words Some things people have said to me after finding out I have ADHD and I am medicated for it - Pill Shaming, Sexism and overall ignorance! 124 words It feels like life is too much effort for too little reward 154 words Any long term success story? 148 words Is it just me or does ADHD and social anxiety go hand and hand...eg. like you genuinely have social anxiety, but you use your unrelenting craving for stimulation to appear sociable and likable? But in actuality unless your comfortable, your sweating balls...this happens with almost every interaction 212 words How do things just cease to exist? 150 words Upping dosage of medication, potentially--curious 145 words TIL not everyone is like me 128 words Took Adderall for the first time today 264 words I have my interview tomorrow... I’m scared they won’t take me seriously 469 words Inconclusive ADHD diagnosis 198 words Is my Focalin XR dose too high