169 words When I start working, I actually enjoy it. But I do everything just to avoid starting. Help.. 201 words Relationship advice 196 words Waiting for people to stop talking. 324 words I’m starting Ritalin tomorrow. Any advice? 624 words What Do You Do When You Cant Bring Yourself To Do Anything? 1,655 words Consequences of untreated adult adhd? 291 words I need some success stories from successful ADHDers. Lawyers, doctors, executives, PhDs, but also anyone that has found meaningful work for themselves. How much of a struggle was the job search for you? What was your lowest point? How did you ultimately end up doing work you found meaningful? 129 words Attachment issues and ADHD 470 words Current engineers with ADHD: What is the job actually like? What do you do for it? What parts of it do you struggle with? 170 words I don't identify with the "Intelligent but doesn't push themselves" stereotype of ADHD. 111 words Why can I read an entire Reddit thread but have to leave and come back to articles? lol 132 words I feel like everyone is, and forever will be, better than me at everything 155 words Is being able to sleep after taking a stimulant like adderall a good indicator of whether or not you have ADHD? 187 words Lying, excuses, and accountability 154 words honestly one of the worst things about having adhd is how i have to motivate myself to do things i actually enjoy 220 words ADHD is destroying my life 342 words sex problems 293 words [Rant] ADHD is not a "gift" and anyone who peddles that idea is a bullshit artist. 390 words What type of person / doctor should I be looking for to get tested for ADHD? 305 words Got diagnosed, doc started me on Straterra