Is my Focalin XR dose too high

This post has been removed because it is asking for medical or medication advice. This subreddit is not qualified to give medical or medication advice. Others experiences are no indication of how you will react. Do not base your medical or medication decisions based on someone else's experience. You don't know what else in their life or medical history is contributing to their reaction to medication.

Please inform your doctor and work with them on all issues or concerns of this nature. Your doctor needs to know everything that is happening so that your treatment can be adjusted accordingly.

Even if your next appointment is a few weeks out, you are still able to call your doctor and talk to them and if needed schedule a sooner appointment.

If for whatever reason you feel like this is a topic your doctor is not equipped to help you with (or there are other issues regarding your relationship with your doctor), you should start seeking a different doctor or a second, professional opinion.

Supplements count as medication when used to treat medical or psychiatric issues.

For further review, please see our rules.

/r/ADHD Thread