134 words I realize this is probably the last place I should come for this kind of legal advice. 328 words confused please help~ 210 words PSA - The Moderator of r/askgaybros is going around shadowbanning people 112 words Why do gay men defend Islam when the religion has been known to cause death to them? 134 words Fellow gay Millennials 220 words why do minority gays lust after white gays so fervently? 231 words What do you think of his quote? 149 words Restoration 246 words Tell Me Something About Yourself 273 words I made a deal with my parents 273 words Bros, I’m 6’2”, 285lbs, and 21 years old. My mini-me is like 3.5” erect and about 1” flaccid. This is ruining my self-esteem (along with my being overweight). Has anyone found themselves in a similar boat? I just need a little advice! 261 words Shit your roommates do that annoy you? 217 words Why do I still feel disgusted with myself? 289 words Gaybros who are unsatisfied with politicians - if your country became an absolute monarchy (when the king has complete authority over the government and its people) and you were made the king, what exactly would you tell the politicians to do in order for you to be satisfied with politics for once? 294 words My Depression 321 words Herpes today 383 words Straight friend accused me of rape. Help 261 words I'm a top that's not attracted to guys who identify as bottoms. Anyone else in my boat? 235 words How old is too old to still be living with parents? 153 words Can somebody please explain how drag fits into gay culture?